Meet Andrew Dunn
Andrew Dunn is the inspirational headteacher who developed I can do maths as a highly effective way to improve pupils' grasp of maths basics.
Meet Andrew Dunn
The teaching method
The I can do maths teaching method combines differentiated daily maths practice with quality first teaching for whole-school success in numeracy.
Teaching method
Mental Arithmetic
Schofield & Sims Mental Arithmetic books lie at the heart of I can do maths, providing the rigour and repetition so vital in acquiring basic maths skills.
Mental Arithmetic"Our pupils have far more confidence with number since we started using I can do maths. Attainment and results have improved and the children love it. If they had their way they would spend more time on it than we allow them."
"We have been using I can do maths for around four years and feel that the books provide structured, purposeful and manageable homework tasks, which are helping to secure and improve mental calculation skills."
"The impact of I can do maths on standards has been impressive. Our maths results have consistently outperformed the Local Authority and national average since we introduced it."