Key Stage 1 Reading comprehension
Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.
Complete ComprehensionView Series
Complete Comprehension is the essential companion for teaching reading comprehension in your school. Written by a team of expert authors, it provides you with everything you need to develop the individual comprehension skills identified in the National Curriculum, alongside the broader vocabulary and background knowledge required for effective reading comprehension.
Complete Comprehension Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 5 to 6
Complete Comprehension Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £75.00
for ages 6 to 7
First Comprehension View Series
First Comprehension provides an early introduction to written comprehension, developing children’s enthusiasm for reading and their ability to interpret texts. A downwards extension of the award-winning Key Stage 2 Comprehension, First Comprehension is suitable for children who have not previously attempted formal written comprehension.
First Comprehension 1: Year 2, Ages 6-7
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
First Comprehension 2: Year 3, Ages 7-8
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
First Comprehension Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 6 to 8
Early Comprehension View Series
Early Comprehension develops children's ability to make sense of pictures and text through activities such as story sequencing, reading for meaning and traditional comprehension work. Exercises are put in a 'real-world' context and texts include advertisements, book covers and speech bubbles.
Early Comprehension Book 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Early Comprehension Book 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
Early Comprehension Book 3
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 7
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