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Key Stage 2 Science Books

Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.

Viewing 8 products in series

Key Stage 2 Science Revision Guide and Practice Papers View Series

Closely matched to the National Curriculum, the Schofield & Sims Revision Guides help children to revise what they have learnt at school, in preparation for the end of key stage tests. The accompanying Practice Papers reflect the appearance and content of the national tests, providing further opportunity for revision and test preparation.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Penny Johnson

Understanding ScienceView Series

Understanding Science is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing comprehensive coverage of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, together with structured practice.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Penny Johnson

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