Key Stage 2 Times tables
Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.
Times Tables Tests View Series
The Times Tables Tests series helps to secure children's knowledge and application of essential multiplication and division facts and to develop their understanding of number vocabulary. Tests are similar in format to those in Mental Arithmetic and may be used in conjunction with this series or independently.
Times Tables Tests Book 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 11
Times Tables Tests Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 5 to 11
Learn Your Times Tables View Series
Learn Your Timestables helps children to understand and memorise essential multiplication facts. Together, the books cover all the times tables required by the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, including the x11 and x12 times tables.
Learn Your Times Tables 2
Teachers' Price: £4.50
for ages 7 to 11
Times Tables Practice View Series
Times Tables Practice gives children extensive practice in the times tables relevant to their age group, providing enjoyable activities with attractive illustrations that will hold their attention throughout. Both books end with number problems and 'What I know' pages designed to build children's confidence and reinforce learning.
Times Tables Practice 2
Teachers' Price: £4.50
for ages 7 to 11
My Times Tables Book View Series
My Times Tables Book helps to build fluency and confidence in times tables. Matching the pace and coverage of the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, the book contains 40 sets of times tables questions, each of which is designed to be completed in two-and-a-half minutes.
My Times Tables Book
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 7 to 11