Newly-matched readers for Red Rose Letters and Sounds schools

Over 100 decodable phonics readers from the My Letters and Sounds phonics readers have been aligned to the Red Rose Letters and Sounds teaching progression, providing schools with a wide choice of fiction and non-fiction stories to use at home and in the classroom.
We are pleased to announce that Schofield & Sims now is listed as a recommended provider of decodable readers for Red Rose Letters and Sounds schools. This means that schools following the Red Rose phonics progression can confidently use over 100 readers from the My Letters and Sounds series in their phonics teaching.
A detailed book matching chart has been produced with support from the Lancashire Professional Development Service. In the chart, the Red Rose Letters and Sounds teaching content for each phase is separated out into weeks. My Letters and Sounds Phonics Readers are then matched to the teaching content, so that teachers can quickly and easily see which readers can be introduced in a given week.
Why choose our readers?
The My Letters and Sounds readers were developed as exciting, fully decodable stories that match the progression of the My Letters and Sounds SSP programme. However, they can also be used with other Letters and Sounds schemes because our teaching progression closely follows the original 2007 Letters and Sounds teaching sequence.
The vibrant illustrations, natural language and comprehensive support makes them a popular choice for many schools following many Letters and Sounds programmes.
The Big Jump - Phase Four - Yellow.pdf
Affordable for schools
Every book from Phase Two to Phase Five is priced at just £3.00 per book, making these readers extremely good value for schools looking to add more phonics books to their library.
Carefully levelled and fully decodable
Only a small number of new grapheme-phoneme correspondences are introduced in each book, allowing teachers to select exactly the right book for each child’s current reading level.
Engaging and immersive
Every reader features beautiful illustrations that fully and directly support the decodable text. Stories have been written by a range of authors to reflect the world around us and help children see themselves in the books. Some non-fiction titles also feature high-quality photography to bring real-world stories to life.
Guided reading support for children
In the Reception readers, diagraphs and trigraphs are underlined to remind children that two or three letters make a single sound. Tricky words are also coloured blue to remind us that some or all graphemes in them make an unexpected sound.
The books also include useful tips and activities to support those listening to the children reading. Child-friendly definitions are provided for any unfamiliar vocabulary so that these words can be discussed and explored before reading. Questions about the cover illustration and book title help to introduce the text, while comprehension questions encourage children to talk about the story they have finished reading and check their understanding of the text.
Find out more about My Letters and Sounds Readers
For further information on the My Letters and Sounds readers, or to make an order, you can contact our school advisors by phone at 01484607080, or email
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