My Homework Diary
Suitable for: Key Stage 2 level for ages 7 to 11
ISBN: 9780721711607 | Pages: 56
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Product description for teachers and tutors
My Homework Diary provides children with structured A5 pages for noting each homework task, the due date, and a spelling rule for the week. With diary pages for the whole school year, plus grids for timetables, class rules and individual targets, this book encourages children to take pride in their work and to engage fully with the learning process.
Clear instructions for use and tips on how to tackle homework inspire children to do their best. Guidance on how best to support homework gives parents reassurance as to their role.
A reference section provides information in these areas:
- maths: times tables; angles; shapes; showing data; fractions/decimals/percentages; measures; symbols; the 24-hour clock; the days in the month rhyme; a number line
- literacy; word types; sentences; active and passive; capital letters; punctuation; tenses
- science: a glossary of facts
- geography: UK and world maps; continents; the wonders of the world; fascinating facts
- history timelines: key dates in pre-history/early history and British history
- useful words in French/Spanish and German.
Dimensions: 14.6 x 0.3 x 21 cm
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