Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Workbooks
Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.
Grammar and PunctuationView Series
Comprising six pupil books and six accompanying teacher’s guides, one for each primary school year, Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation is a comprehensive programme for teaching grammar and punctuation while also building on vocabulary, reading and writing skills.
Grammar and Punctuation Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
Grammar and Punctuation Book 1 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 5 to 6
Grammar and Punctuation Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
Grammar and Punctuation Book 2 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 6 to 7
Grammar and Punctuation Book 3 (Year 3)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 8
Grammar and Punctuation Book 3 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 7 to 8
Grammar and Punctuation Book 4 (Year 4)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 9
Grammar and Punctuation Book 4 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 8 to 9
Grammar and Punctuation Book 5 (Year 5)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 10
Grammar and Punctuation Book 5 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 9 to 10
Grammar and Punctuation Book 6 (Year 6)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 10 to 11
Grammar and Punctuation Book 6 Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £8.00
for ages 10 to 11
English Skills View Series
English Skills provides graded questions that develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Each test is divided into three distinct sections, a 'Warm-up', 'Word work' and 'Sentence work', and key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive practice that is essential if they are to become fully literate.
English Skills Introductory Book
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 8
English Skills Introductory Book Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 6 to 8
English Skills 1
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 1 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 2
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 2 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 3
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 3 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 7 to 9
English Skills 4
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 4 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 5
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 5 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 6
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills 6 Answers
Teachers' Price: £5.00
for ages 9 to 11
English Skills Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 6 to 11
SpellingView Series
Schofield & Sims Spelling is a structured programme designed for Years 1 to 6. This accessible series, ideal for whole-school use, gives pupils extensive practice in using their phonic knowledge to spell words and encourages them to become effective spellers.
Spelling Book 1 (Year 1)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 5 to 6
Spelling Book 2 (Year 2)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 6 to 7
Spelling Book 3 (Year 3)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 7 to 8
Spelling Book 4 (Year 4)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 8 to 9
Spelling Book 5 (Year 5)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 9 to 10
Spelling Book 6 (Year 6)
Teachers' Price: £4.00
for ages 10 to 11
Spelling Teacher's Guide
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 5 to 11
Spelling Teacher's Resource Book
Teachers' Price: £20.00
for ages 5 to 11
My Spelling Book View Series
My Spelling Book allows children to record and practise spellings using the strategy, ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’. Perfect for weekly spelling practice, the book contains space for 40 sets of 15 spellings.
My Spelling Book
Teachers' Price: £2.00
for ages 7 to 11
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