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Key Stage 1 Maths Books

Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.

Viewing 50 products in series

First Mental Arithmetic View Series

First Mental Arithmetic provides carefully graded questions that develop children's essential mathematics skills. A downwards extension of the Schofield & Sims bestseller Mental Arithmetic, the workbooks contain a Language of Maths glossary to develop number vocabulary and three check-ups to assess understanding.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Ann Montague-Smith

First Mental Arithmetic Answers View Series

First Mental Arithmetic provides carefully graded questions that develop children's essential mathematics skills. A downwards extension of the Schofield & Sims bestseller Mental Arithmetic, the books contain a Language of Maths glossary to develop number vocabulary and three check-ups assess understanding.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Ann Montague-Smith

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages View Series

Schofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme that supports a mastery approach to teaching and learning this tricky area of maths. Comprising six pupil books and six accompanying teacher’s guides, this structured series helps children to develop a deep, secure and adaptable understanding of fractions, building up to decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion.

Age group: 5 to 11 | Author: Steve Mills and Hilary Koll

Primary Practice View Series

Primary Practice is the must-have series for mastery of the English and maths curriculums. With high expectations for all learners, these books use a structured approach to ensure children develop a deep understanding of key knowledge and skills.

Age group: 4 to 11 | Author: Sarah-Anne Fernandes, Trevor Dixon, Emma Scott, Giles Clare

Telling the Time View Series

Telling the time is a vital life skill. Schofield & Sims Telling the Time breaks this difficult topic down into a sequence of manageable ideas that young learners can approach at their own pace. Beginning with child-friendly explanations of times of day and units of time, the series moves on to introduce telling the time on an analogue clock, before progressing to cover a wide range of related topics, including different ways of measuring and representing time, time expressions and everyday time problems. 

Age group: 5 to 9 | Author: Christine Shaw

Times Tables Tests View Series

The Times Tables Tests series helps to secure children's knowledge and application of essential multiplication and division facts and to develop their understanding of number vocabulary. Tests are similar in format to those in Mental Arithmetic and may be used in conjunction with this series or independently.

Age group: 6 to 11 | Author: Hilary Koll and Steve Mills

KS1 Problem Solving View Series

KS1 Problem Solving is a series of graded books which help children to sharpen their mathematical skills by applying their knowledge to a range of 'real-life' situations, such as shopping and telling the time. Exercises include addition and subtraction, shapes and their properties and concepts of time.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Anne Forster and Paul Martin

Learn Your Times Tables View Series

Learn Your Timestables helps children to understand and memorise essential multiplication facts. Together, the books cover all the times tables required by the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, including the x11 and x12 times tables.

Age group: 5 to 11 | Author: Hilary Koll and Steve Mills

Mental Maths View Series

The Mental Maths series develops children's ability to understand number problems and to use their knowledge to resolve these problems confidently and logically. Clear, carefully structured exercises build children's mathematical knowledge and mental agility, focusing particularly on number, shape, measures and time.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Anne Forster and Paul Martin

Times Tables Practice View Series

Times Tables Practice gives children extensive practice in the times tables relevant to their age group, providing enjoyable activities with attractive illustrations that will hold their attention throughout. Both books end with number problems and 'What I know' pages designed to build children's confidence and reinforce learning.

Age group: 5 to 11 | Author: Ann Montague-Smith

Number Book View Series

Number Book is a series of graded activity books designed to help children learn basic calculation skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, eventually working with numbers up to 100.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Andrew Parker and Jane Stamford

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