New - Essential English Skills

For functional English and literacy intervention at Key Stage 3 and beyond, Schofield & Sims has published a separate edition of the English Skills workbooks. Essential English Skills has exactly the same content as the Key Stage 2 series, with more sophisticated covers designed for older students.
Essential English Skills comprises six workbooks that help all students to use written English effectively in everyday situations. Key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the rigorous practice they need, widening their written vocabulary and embedding and securing learning that has previously eluded them
Every Essential English Skills book is divided into three sections, each comprising 12 one-page tests. Every test covers spelling, word structure, vocabulary, sentence formation, punctuation and grammar. There are also Writing and Proofreading tasks, a literacy Glossary and a simple Progress chart.
Additional materials for teachers include:
- books of Answers (one per workbook) providing explanatory notes, summaries of question content, correct answers, Writing task assessment sheets and Completed proofreading tasks to facilitate marking; these were written for the original Schofield & Sims English Skills series, but are fully compatible
- Entry tests and Entry test marking keys, to help you determine the level at which a new student is working, and Group record sheets to assist you in planning and monitoring work; all these are downloadable from the Essential English Skills webpage.
Use Essential English Skills to prepare students for full literacy in education, training and daily life.
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