New Progress Papers in Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning

Schofield & Sims is delighted to announce the publication of two brand new series: Progress Papers in Verbal Reasoning and Progress Papers in Non-verbal Reasoning.
Written to supplement the existing Progress Papers in English and Mathematics, the new titles provide rigorous reasoning practice for pupils preparing for the 11+ examinations and other school selection tests. Each series consists of three books of mixed tests that increase in difficulty as pupils work through them. The variety and depth of the questions serve to build confidence and fluency, ensuring that pupils are well equipped to tackle a wide range of possible question types, including those set by CEM (Durham University) and GL. All the books include Pull-out answers, with detailed explanations, and a Progress chart, allowing you to record test results and monitor pupil performance. Each strand also features an additional sample paper available as a free download from the Schofield & Sims website.
The Progress Papers in Verbal Reasoning series has been written by established 11+ author Patrick Berry. The books cover over 40 topic areas, including crosswords, letter and number sequences, true statements, jumbled words and word chains. The questions are designed to hone pupils’ ability to extract meaning from complex written information, whilst also developing their problem solving and logic. Each book in the series contains six papers, consisting of 100 questions each. A separate Topic chart is also provided that allows pupils to either work through the papers in order, or focus on specific areas of difficulty.
The Progress Papers in Non-verbal Reasoning books have been written by Rebecca Brant, an experienced 11+ tutor and author of Schofield & Sims Rapid Reasoning Tests Non-verbal Reasoning. The papers feature multiple-choice questions in a range of picture sizes and formats, ensuring that children can easily adapt to different styles of question. Each book provides seven papers of 50 questions, covering the 10 most common non-verbal reasoning question types, namely: analogies, codes, combined pictures, hidden pictures, matrices, nets of cubes, odd ones out, reflected pictures, series and similarity-based problems. A double-page spread of Example questions is provided at the start of each book to show pupils how to answer each question type.
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