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Schofield & Sims resources are written by experienced teachers to support the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for key stages 1 and 2. Focusing on the core subjects of maths, English and science, many of our books are suitable for whole-school use.

Viewing 93 products in series

Mental Arithmetic View Series

Mental Arithmetic is a highly differentiated series of graded workbooks proven to raise children's attainment in maths. Based on ability, rather than age, each book practises the four basic number operations, challenging children to do more complex problems involving logical thinking and to apply knowledge introduced previously.

Age group: 6 to 11 | Author: T R Goddard, J W Adams and R P Beaumont

Mental Arithmetic Answers View Series

Mental Arithmetic is a highly differentiated series of graded books proven to raise children's attainment in maths. Based on ability, rather than age, each book practises the four basic number operations, challenging children to do more complex problems involving logical thinking and to apply knowledge introduced previously.

Age group: 7 to 9 | Author: T R Goddard, J W Adams and R P Beaumont

11+ Practice Papers View Series

The 11+ Practice Papers provide realistic test practice for children preparing to sit either the CEM and GL 11+ exams.

Age group: 10 to 11 | Author: Rebecca Brant, Sian Goodspeed

Get Set Understanding the World View Series

Schofield & Sims Get Set Early Years is a comprehensive and engaging early years scheme that aims to bridge the gap between play and formal learning, helping all children to become school-ready by the end of Reception.

Age group: 4 to 5 | Author: Sophie Le Marchand and Sarah Reddaway

WriteWellView Series

Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes.

Age group: 3 to 11 | Author: Carol Matchett

My Reading Record Key Stage 1 View Series

Schofield & Sims reading records help to ensure effective communication between schools and those reading with children at home. Practical notes explain the importance of reading at home and outline the priorities for children's reading at the appropriate key stage, while vocabulary lists and review pages encourage children and adults to take an active role in reading.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Carolyn Richardson

English Skills View Series

English Skills provides graded questions that develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Each test is divided into three distinct sections, a 'Warm-up', 'Word work' and 'Sentence work', and key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive practice that is essential if they are to become fully literate.

Age group: 6 to 11 | Author: Carol Matchett

My Reading Record Key Stage 2 View Series

Schofield & Sims reading records help to ensure effective communication between schools and those reading with children at home. Practical notes explain the importance of reading at home and outline the priorities for children's reading at the appropriate key stage, while vocabulary lists and review pages encourage children and adults to take an active role in reading.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Carolyn Richardson

My School Diary View Series

My School Diary helps to ensure strong home–school communication and encourages children to take ownership of their work. Diary pages include space for children to record their homework throughout the year, while a structured Reading log allows an
adult to keep track of the child’s reading at home, recording the pages read and making any appropriate notes for the teacher.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author:

My Word Book View Series

My Word Book includes over 800 words arranged alphabetically, and a further 300 arranged by word type or theme, alongside spaces for children to add their own words. Colourful illustrations provide attractive reminders of word meanings, and space is provided for the teacher to note the child's specific targets in writing.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Sally Johnson

11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests View Series

The Schofield & Sims Non-verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 6 to 12 | Author: Rebecca Brant

11+ Verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests View Series

The Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 6 to 12 | Author: Siān Goodspeed

My Homework Diary View Series

My Homework Diary provides structured pages for noting each homework task, the due date, and a spelling rule for the week. The book includes diary pages for the whole school year, grids for timetables, class rules and individual targets, as well as tips on how to tackle homework.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author:

11+ Maths Rapid Tests View Series

The Schofield & Sims Maths Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests. 

Age group: 6 to 12 | Author: Rebecca Brant

My Spelling Book View Series

My Spelling Book allows children to record and practise spellings using the strategy, ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’. Perfect for weekly spelling practice, the book contains space for 40 sets of 15 spellings. 

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Schofield & Sims

My Times Tables Book View Series

My Times Tables Book helps to build fluency and confidence in times tables. Matching the pace and coverage of the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, the book contains 40 sets of times tables questions, each of which is designed to be completed in two-and-a-half minutes. 

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Schofield & Sims

Understanding ScienceView Series

Understanding Science is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing comprehensive coverage of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, together with structured practice.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Penny Johnson

11+ English Rapid Tests View Series

The Schofield & Sims English Rapid Tests are short, timed tests designed to build speed and fluency in preparation for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 6 to 12 | Author: Siān Goodspeed

11+ English Progress Papers View Series

Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims English Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 9 to 12 | Author: Patrick Berry, Susan Hamlyn

11+ Maths Progress Papers View Series

Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Maths Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 9 to 12 | Author: Patrick Berry, Rebecca Brant

11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Progress Papers View Series

Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Non-verbal Reasoning Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests.

Age group: 9 to 12 | Author: Rebecca Brant

11+ Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers View Series

Aimed at children aged 9 to 12 years, the Schofield & Sims Verbal Reasoning Progress Papers provide rigorous and flexible practice for the 11+ and other school selection tests

Age group: 9 to 12 | Author: Patrick Berry

Understanding Reasoning View Series

Understanding Reasoning helps pupils to understand and answer the reasoning questions found in the 11+, 12+, 13+ and other school selection tests. The books provide explanations and examples of all 11+ question types, together with 'how to' instructions and workbook-style activities to consolidate learning.

Age group: 9 to 13 | Author: Siān Goodspeed and Rebecca Brant

Key Stage 1 Science Revision Guide View Series

Closely matched to the National Curriculum, the Key Stage 1 Science Revision Guide helps children to revise what they have learnt at school, in preparation for the end of key stage tests. Clearly presented examples and colourful illustrations help bring revision to life, while targeted practice questions highlight any gaps in understanding.

Age group: 5 to 7 | Author: Penny Johnson

Key Stage 2 Science Revision Guide and Practice Papers View Series

Closely matched to the National Curriculum, the Schofield & Sims Revision Guides help children to revise what they have learnt at school, in preparation for the end of key stage tests. The accompanying Practice Papers reflect the appearance and content of the national tests, providing further opportunity for revision and test preparation.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Penny Johnson

Number Puzzles View Series

The Schofield & Sims puzzle books have been specifically written for children to work through independently. Carefully graded and challenging, the books help children to develop the literacy and mathematics skills that they need in school, as well as the thinking skills that are valuable in every aspect of life.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Ann Montague-Smith

Word Puzzles View Series

The Schofield & Sims puzzle books have been specifically written for children to work through independently. Carefully graded and challenging, the books help children to develop the literacy and mathematics skills that they need in school, as well as the thinking skills that are valuable in every aspect of life.

Age group: 7 to 11 | Author: Celia Warren

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