Revised edition of Times Tables Tests

The new Times Tables Tests books have been carefully updated to reflect the National Curriculum requirements for maths and to prepare pupils for the government’s proposed multiplication check, due to be introduced in Spring 2019.
Unlike Times Tables Practice, which takes an informal, activity-based approach to learning times tables, Times Tables Tests provides regular, structured times tables practice, in the form of short tests. Similar in structure and format to Schofield & Sims Mental Arithmetic, the tests help pupils to strengthen their understanding of essential multiplication and division facts, before progressing to apply these facts to solve word problems based on real-life situations. To boost confidence and rapid recall skills children are encouraged to work against the clock, completing each of the tests' three parts in ten minutes. The books also include two timed Progress tests designed to improve children's speed and accuracy.
The Times Tables Tests 1 pupil book is aimed at pupils in Years 2 and 3 and covers the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Throughout the book children encounter a range of visual representations of multiplications and divisions, as well as simple multiplication and division vocabulary, such as ‘share’, ‘product’, ‘times’, ‘divide’ and ‘groups of’. The second Times Tables Tests pupil book is aimed at pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 and covers the 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13 times tables, while also revising the times tables covered in Book 1. In Times Tables Tests 2, pupils expand their understanding of mathematical terminology to solve more complex word problems and apply their knowledge in increasingly challenging contexts.
A separate teacher's guide is also now available, replacing the previous Times Tables Tests Answer Books. The new Times Tables Tests Teacher's Guide includes a detailed introduction to the series explaining how the books can be used, as well as strategies for teaching and reinforcing times tables. Answers to all the tests in the series are provided as correctly completed pupil books pages, along with Group record sheets in which to record Progress test scores. Additional photocopiable resources at the back of the book support the whole-class teaching of time tables and include a Multiplication square and Multiplication facts cards. Further resources are also available as free downloads, including editiable certificates.
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